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Lovestruck Invitations

Order of Service




Adding an Elegant Wedding Program Cover

At Lovestruck Invitations, we want you to make your special day as unforgettable as possible. One detail to consider is a wedding program cover for your special day. Alongside your Order of Service, a wedding program cover can bring a unique, modern, or traditional touch to your special day. You can choose a non-tearable paper like cardstock, or if you would like a unique finish to your program, then foil paper with delicate foil embossing is a great choice. To add an extra personal touch, you can choose a colour or pattern to match or complement your wedding theme. A wedding program cover is a great way to impress your guests and allow them to further enjoy your special day. At Lovestruck Invitations, you can select from a variety of materials, fonts, and colours to make sure that your program cover will be a beautiful addition to your special day.

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